About Gibson Fence & Deck
It’s the details no one sees that matter most.
We’re tracking all of them. With many decades of combined experience we’ve learned that beauty is on the inside. We use modern techniques and materials but believe in the old fashioned way of doing things:
Taking personal ownership over the craftsmanship of every project.
Taking pride in the craft and taking every opportunity to learn.
Honoring the importance of your particular project.
Delivering on our word.
Carpentry Demands Craftsmanship
Our craftsmanship is motivated by a deep passion and love for what we do. We do what we feel. And our feeling is built on subtle skills developed over time, not sentiment or personal preferences.
To differentiate our work from the run-of-the-mill deck builders and fencers, we dig into our experience and imagination. The result takes even us by surprise!
Anyone devoted to their work can acquire expertise. But experience takes time. And experience is the only difference between ordinary and extraordinary. Our collective experience of 100+ years gives us a vantage point, enabling us to see what escapes inexperienced eyes. Our unique blend of modern techniques and vintage sophistication makes a home infused with warmth, style, and uniqueness.
Our Method
We yoke together modernity and antiquity to make your home look posh. Modern techniques and materials execute the redoing of your home without letting go of the idea of beauty from the past. Our distinct methodology for your unique problem always produces one-off results.
Once we take up a task, we put ourselves to executing it with jujutsu determination. The effectiveness of our expertise lies in its efficiency. We deliver on our projects within the deadline with no cost overrun.
Communication is vital in any relationship. Relationships – be they personal or professional – will flounder in absence of honest and transparent communication. We keep you informed at every stage and listen to you to understand your needs and desires. Wherever necessary and possible, we incorporate your advice or demand into our plan. When your advice or demand does not fit the bill, we tell you so upfront.
We are a deck contractor and offer deck installation, fence installation, landscaping, hardscaping, besides many more services for your home in Seattle.
We have not worked a single day in our life! Because we chose to do something we are passionately in love with! Carpentry is not our bread and butter. It is our way of life. And we are as much devoted to it as you are to the idea of a beautiful home.
Our wood fencing is sturdy and high on aesthetics. We do not use metal for fencing and decking. However, to give long life to wooden frames and panels, we use the post-on-pipe technique to outlast Seattle’s elements. Our fences keep out the intruders and keep in the good vibes!
Featured on UpFlip
UpFlip.com did a mini-documentary on Gibson Fence & Deck!

The way siding, ledger board, and flashing all meet determines if your deck will eventually allow water intrusion into your house. The metal pipe in the fence post that is buried underground will determine if your fence will eventually rot. The types of fasteners and other hardware used will determine if your project eventually corrodes and fails. The grade of post and timber, footing and bracket, and beam and brace will determine if your deck will help hold your house up in an earthquake or eventually sag and collapse.
No one sees these details and the countless others that a dedicated contractor won’t compromise on. Quality work entails minding the details that only you as the builder will ever know about. They aren’t glamorous, noticeable, or honestly… profitable, but they make a significant difference in the soundness of your build. But it’s the hallmark of a craftsman who believes in the work itself and in the beauty of endurance as much as form.
That’s what make’s me love what I do and I’m proud to work alongside those who believe the same. We like that old-fashioned way of conducting things: my name’s on the business just like my heart is in every project.
Our sister company Gibson Roof, Gutter & Window Cleaning shares that same philosophy, offering quality home maintenance services to Seattle-area homeowners.
– Damon Gibson
The life so short, the craft so long to learn.